Permanent Makeup brows


I Bianca Rodriguez, started microblading in January of 2017 and have perfected the art of brow mapping, color matching and the art of creating a flawless brow that is enhancing for your face shape!

For anyone with sparse brows, thin brows or just looking for an overall flawless and natural looking brow permanent brows are perfect for you. The little strokes created mimic your hair strokes so once it is healed no one can tell they were done. When you come in for your visit we will discuss the desires you have for your brows. Customizing each eyebrow with your desires and facial structure is my top priority. I measure where the front should start, the arch and the tail of the brow as well as thickness.

What is permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing or micropigmentation, involves applying pigment to the skin to create the appearance of makeup that won't wash off. Permanent makeup for eyebrows, often referred to as "permanent makeup brows," involves applying pigment onto the eyebrows to enhance their shape, definition, and fullness.


who benefits from Permanent makeup brows?

Is permanent brows really worth it?

It enhances your natural features, allowing you to embrace your unique beauty and feel like a total bad ass!! You can define your eyebrows with powder brows, nano brows, microblading or a combination to achieve the best look for you! The transformation will have you strutting with confidence and living comfortably in your skin.

You can say goodbye to those makeup mishaps!! After your PMU is complete your brows will be custom and symmetrical. With perfectly shaped eyebrows you'll be ready to conquer the world without worrying about how you look.

You can say adios to those makeup meltdowns. Rain or shine, sweat or tears, your flawless face will remain intact, leaving you feeling fierce and fabulous no matter what.

Let's be real, life can get hectic. Between work, socializing, and chasing our dreams, no one has time to spend hours in front of the mirror perfecting their makeup. With PMU brows you can reclaim your time and slay hard without sacrificing your beauty or time. Imagine waking up with perfectly defined features, effortlessly ready to take on the day.

How long does it last?

  • Microblading last 1-3 years

  • Powder brows and nano brows are permanent but, may need touch ups eventually

What should i expect

Once I show you your brow and we will agree on the shape and make any last adjustments. Many people ask about the pain but no worries, we use a numbing cream before we even get started! While the numbing cream is on I will customize your color and again we will agree on this before we get started! Once started I will begin customizing your brow and I will continuously check to make sure your comfortable during the procedure. When your finally finished I’ll have you take a look at your new brows and we’ll discuss anymore questions you may have.

How to prepare

  • Avoid sun exposure: Minimize sun exposure to the eyebrow area in the weeks leading up to your appointment. Sunburned or irritated skin can affect the outcome of the procedure and may increase discomfort during the process.

  • Avoid using some specific skincare products: Avoid using skincare products containing active ingredients like retinol, glycolic acid, or Vitamin C on the eyebrow area for at least a week before your appointment. These ingredients can increase skin sensitivity and interfere with the pigment absorption process.

  • Avoid waxing or tweezing: Refrain from waxing, tweezing, or threading your eyebrows for at least two weeks before your appointment. Your technician will want to work with your natural eyebrow shape as much as possible to achieve the best results.

  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your appointment to keep your skin hydrated and in optimal condition for the procedure.


  • Avoid getting your brows wet and long hot showers with steam for at least 7 days

  • Avoid sleeping face down for 7 days and keep your pillow case clean

  • Avoid direct sun/UV for 4 weeks

  • No picking or touching

  • Make sure nothing unsanitary comes in contact with your brows

  • No botox, facials, chemical treatments, microdermabrasion, etc for at least a month

  • No exercising for a week

  • No makeup or sunscreen on the treated area

  • If lymph fluid appears on the treated area, gently dab it dry with a clean tissue


  • Microblading is good for all skin types EXCEPT: extremely thin and skin that suffers from rosacea. These conditions have too much bleeding and there would not be quality results.

  • Skin sensitivities or allergies: If you have a history of allergic reactions or sensitivities to tattoo pigments or topical numbing agents, you may be at a higher risk of experiencing adverse reactions to permanent makeup..

  • Recent cosmetic treatments: It's generally recommended to wait at least four weeks after undergoing cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels, laser treatments, or Botox injections before getting permanent makeup. These treatments can affect the integrity of the skin and may interfere with the pigment absorption process.

  • Skin infections or lesions: Individuals with active skin infections, lesions, or open wounds in the eyebrow area should avoid permanent makeup until the skin has fully healed. Applying permanent makeup over compromised skin can increase the risk of infection and affect the outcome of the procedure.

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